In the era of career development, managing educational pathways is crucial for both students and educators. However, traditional methods often fail to streamline the approach.

Recognizing this gap, the CORD team sought a solution to empower organizations in managing career pathways effectively. They collaborated with BrainX to design and develop a comprehensive career mapping platform to facilitate the input, visualization, and management of career pathway data, catering to diverse organizational needs.



To address the identified opportunity, the BrainX team adopted a Scrum-based approach focused on understanding the primary requirements and reiterating after the client’s feedback. We began by analyzing the client's needs and potential challenges, including the technical challenge of mapping diverse career pathways accurately. This phase involved studying the functionalities required for career pathway data input, visualization, and management of user access control.

Collaborating closely with the client, we initiated the design and development process by creating wireframes and mockups to visualize the solution's architecture and user interface. The iterative approach ensured alignment with the project objectives and facilitated seamless communication between us and the CORD team throughout the development lifecycle.



Drawing from the insights gained up till the planning & risk evaluation phase, we designed and developed a robust solution encompassing various components to provide these technical solutions:

1. We used Laravel to develop a user-friendly app for organizations to seamlessly input credential details, prior credit, and high school equivalency courses.
2. The BrainX team created printable and online career pathway visualizations to allow users to visualize career pathway data comprehensively.
3. Our team integrated comprehensive features for editing, duplicating, deleting, archiving, and unarchiving pathway profiles to make pathway data manageable for admins.
4. BrainX’s experts added a notification system via email with a comment section to enable seamless communication among students and organization admins.
5. We streamlined reporting by allowing admins to access basic reports on organizations, users, and career pathway profiles for data-driven decision-making.



The implementation of the CORD platform yielded significant impacts across various dimensions:

  • Organizations experienced increased efficiency in managing career pathway data with intuitive tools and streamlined processes.
  • The platform facilitated seamless communication, maintaining a conducive environment for sharing knowledge and decision-making.
  • Enhanced visibility into career pathway data gave organizations a clearer understanding of educational journeys, leading to informed decision-making and improved outcomes.
  • Admins benefited from comprehensive management tools, empowering them to oversee organizational activities effectively and drive strategic initiatives.
  • Users reported positive feedback regarding the user-friendly interface and intuitive functionalities, contributing to a seamless user experience.

Tools & Technologies

  • Figma
  • Miro
  • Laravel
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Git
  • Vue
  • AWS

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Adult Basic Education (ABE) programs are designed to help people ages 16 years and above who did not have the privilege to complete their regular school education. These programs are often operated by Community Colleges and are aimed at helping these students to learn basic skills like reading, writing, listening, speaking, and doing math. Many ABE students complete the program bypassing the “high school equivalency” exam and receiving a diploma or some other certificate for their education. Many ABE students complete the program bypassing the “high school equivalency” exam and receiving a diploma or some other certificate for their education. For a myriad of reasons, people in Adult Basic Education (ABE) have a hard time staying engaged and completing the program. However, it is also challenging for schools and organizations to provide ABE programs to retain their students.

The State Government only pays for those students who reach certain milestones while attending the programs. If a student is recruited and starts the program, but does not reach the first milestone, then the school will not get paid for educating that student. So, to keep the process running smoothly, the schools have a significant incentive to retain such students in any (legal) way possible.

AdvanceNet Labs along with their co-partners Dallas County Community College District (DCCCD) saw this gap in the market and decided to come up with a product that could help both the students and the educational institutions.



Schools and organizations need to keep their students engaged and motivated to continue through the program via quality communication. It is so, as the students who receive proper guidance through their schools are more likely to complete their education. 

To fulfill this essential requirement of schools and students, the idea for WorkReady Mobile came into existence intending to help everyone stay connected and informed. The strategy was to develop it as a central source of communication between administrators, instructors, and students.
Moreover, to convert this idea into an effective reality, AdvanceNet Labs contacted our teams at BrainX to do their magic.


WorkReady Mobile is a dream app for both schools and students. Our team has designed a platform where adult students can get virtual training in their desired fields, without going to schools and attending proper classes.

Technically, it is a multi-tenant product that is synchronized between the web and mobile app platforms. WorkReady Mobile has many customizable features including its custom UI aspect for the varying needs of customers.

Moreover, it supports multiple languages with various methods of communication including in-app messages, push notifications, SMS, and e-mails. In addition to that, it also provides smart reporting tools for the admin – making it an admirable and user-friendly platform.


WorkReady Mobile has helped many adults to complete their ABE programs as well as the schools trying to retain such students.

The platform aided the schools and organizations with the following:

  • Managing everything from orientation to graduation
  • Increasing their graduation rate
  • Retaining more students
  • Helping students focus on goals
  • Modernizing accessibility

Note: The use of WorkReady Mobile bloomed during the COVID season, with the significant demand for online education.

Tools & Technologies

  • iOS
  • Android
  • AWS
  • Swift
  • Kotlin
  • XD
  • Miro
  • PHP
  • Laravel

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