With constant innovation driving the automotive industry, buying and selling second-hand vehicles often presents a complex crossroads for many.

The used car market is plagued by a process reliant on spreadsheets, handwritten notes, and fragmented information. This not only creates inefficiencies but also hinders transparency and accountability.

Such intricacies necessitated an alternative to the conventional paper-based method. Recognizing the need for a modern solution, BrainX Technologies was contacted to evolve the second-hand car dealership market.

Our team of experts designed and developed a comprehensive Second-Hand Car Dealership app across Android and iOS platforms, enabling seamless tracking of taxes, payments, and stocks through a unified Xero integration platform.



Since it was a clean slate, the BrainX team started with multiple meetings to meticulously understand the project's unique requisites. With a clear requirements blueprint, we seamlessly transitioned into the creative phase, exchanging, refining, and finalizing app designs and prototypes.

Another challenge was to collaborate with the Xero Integration team and get their documentation that was resolved with the cooperation of the client.

As the project gained momentum, the design, mobile app, and web development teams joined heads to make this project successful. The BrainX team developed the product in sprints while adhering to the Agile methodology. Post internal testing, the project was forwarded to the client for User Acceptance Testing (UAT) before the final deployment.



Experts at BrainX Technologies, driven by a keen understanding of client's needs, embarked on the mission to craft a seamless platform tailored for second-hand car dealerships. Throughout this venture, the BrainX team prioritized the user experience, security, and convenience of car owners and dealers. While setting the foot right and accomplishing each milestone, we were able to provide the following solutions.

Wide Accessibility:  Developed and deployed an Android app in Kotlin, and an iOS app in Swift, for buying, selling, and exchanging second-hand vehicles, owner subscriptions, and stock checks.
Owner Dashboard:  The BrainX team constructed a user-friendly Admin Portal using the ROR tech stack for owners to log/sign in and keep track of the store details, current subscriptions, and billing information.
Unified Transactions: We designed a hierarchical system enabling companies to purchase app access for employees, enabling collaboration and consolidated record-keeping.
Effortless Account Management: Xero integration in the apps enabled effortless management of all account operations such as saving the purchased car detail, laying the groundwork for a comprehensive and secure user experience.
Hassle-Free In-App Purchases : BrainX experts integrated RevenueCat for seamless in-app purchases, enhancing user convenience and experience.



The solutions implemented for the Second Hand Car Dealership project aligned with the client’s strategic vision of guaranteeing data security, operational efficiency, and user convenience.

Hence, it had the following profound impacts:

  • Users can now easily track revenue and manage employee records with an admin dashboard.
  • The Second Hand Car Dealership app is getting popular among iOS users and, with the release of its Android counterpart, the total number of app users is set to increase.
  • The integration of RevenueCat for in-app transactions benefitted in maintaining the confidentiality of payment history and a secure gateway for payments.
  • Owners, dealers, and employees can now collaborate effectively with a Xero account, automating tasks and providing real-time insights.

Tools & Technologies

  • IOS
  • Figma
  • Git
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • ROR

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News & Health


Social media and online content have transformed local news, offering speed and accessibility while spreading misinformation. Enpak presented an opportunity to BrainX to bridge this gap. Enpak's existing mobile apps suffered from numerous broken features and inconsistencies, leading to a subpar user experience.

The app's rushed launch intensified these issues, prompting the client to seek a rapid solution. Collaborating with BrainX, Enpak aimed to swiftly revamp its app to address these challenges and deliver a superior user experience. Leveraging the client's existing designs, the BrainX team just had 1 month to test, develop, and deploy the app effectively to perform well on Android and iOS platforms.

News & Health


Initially, BrainX’s QA team conducted thorough testing to identify issues in Enpak’s existing app. Then we performed a detailed analysis of the app’s existing codebases. Based on the insights gained from quality testing and code analysis, we recommended rebuilding the system from scratch to ensure optimal performance and robustness.
Collaboration between the BrainX team and Enpak's in-house designer provided invaluable insights into the app's design requirements. BrainX adopted an Agile methodology for iterative development to address issues and refine the app's features based on user input.

News & Health


BrainX built Enpak with Flutter for cross-platform efficiency and ensured a robust app with the following features:

1. Added local news, world, and trending categories for news.
2. Implemented an automatic weather display widget based on the user's location.
3. Enhanced the app's functionality by adding a location-based news display.
4. Integrated notifications feature to keep users informed about in-app interactions and content moderation.
5. Automated scraping for news updates, providing direct access to external articles from the home screen.
6. Provided a guest mode and an in-app login & verification feature in the journalist’s panel for user authentication & journalist management.
7. Integrated an impact meter for journalists to determine the type of content they are posting.

News & Health


The solutions implemented by BrainX have significantly benefited both local journalists and Enpak app users in the following ways:

  • Newly designed apps provide a better user experience & instant access to the local news.
  • The revamped app achieved cross-platform compatibility that broadened its audience and enhanced user accessibility.
  • Implementing the verification feature allowed verified journalists to join the platform, reducing the risk of spreading fake news.
  • The Enpak app enabled local journalists to engage with a targeted audience on a significant scale.
  • Location-based news displays helped users to swiftly access and respond to the latest news relevant to their area.
  • The UI/UX enhancements implemented by BrainX led to intuitive navigation, visually appealing interfaces, and enhanced functionality ensuring a better user experience.
  • BrainX's agile approach facilitated rapid development and deployment of the revamped app, ensuring minimal downtime and a seamless experience for Enpak users.

Tools & Technologies

  • IOS
  • MongoDB
  • NodeJS
  • ExpressJS
  • AWS
  • Flutter
  • Pusher
  • Firebase

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    Non-adherence to medication claims the lives of about 125,000 people each year. Medesto was created to address this medicine adherence issue, saving lives and improving health outcomes. The project “Medesto” is an evolved form of an earlier solution named Tespo. Tespo's integrated, in-home technology has helped reinvent the vitamin by introducing a new category of nutritional supplements.

    At the touch of a button, Tespo's patent-pending customized Pods and WiFi-connected vitamin dispenser delivered a personalized liquid vita-shot. This whole system was connected to a smartphone app that helped track every intake of the patient. As a consequence, people were able to take their vitamins on a regular basis, track their progress, and obtain better results.



    On the product side, there was a concern that some vita-shots tasted so bitter that the patients were unable to engulf them. So, the need for Medesto arose. In this new solution, the concept was almost the same, but they pivoted the liquid part back to pills (but the ones that could easily be swallowed). Pods and dispensers would give out these pills, and the app would track the patient's adherence.

    So, Team BrainX, on the basis of their previous great performance, was given the task of revamping the mobile app & dashboard as per the new product model. Thus, without letting a moment slip, Team BrainX collected all the requirements thoroughly, and a team of our seasoned mobile & web app developers was assigned to the project.

    Medesto's design team provided us with their latest designs and then our core mobile development team went in to successfully implement those designs while ensuring that all builds were solid, paying particular attention to the accuracy of the adherence tracker APIs.



    Our team had the challenge of shifting the vita-shot model to a pill intake model altogether. More so, with the new app coming up, it required some enhanced features as well. Our team, as always, gave in their best efforts and was successful in creating a multi-featured app that can revolutionize the way people take their medication. 

    Here are some notable features that we successfully delivered:

    • Patients can check real-time data for medication adherence and overall health
    • Health trackers like Fitbit can be linked with the app
    • A patient can add Caregivers, Physicians, and other fellow patients to their profile to help monitor and improve medication adherence behavior
    • In-app and Push Notifications for reminders and follow-up schedules
    Features on the Admin Dashboard:
    • A thorough listing of all the patients
    • Patient grouping on the basis of commonalities
    • Adherence data of all the patients

    Nonetheless, BrainX is continuously developing new features for the Medesto app & dashboard, making the system more robust & useful for both patients & pharmacies.


    As per public statistics, medication adherence is roughly 50% for those with numerous chronic illnesses. Around 45 percent of people may not properly comprehend how to take their prescription, while another 20% encounter negative effects and discontinue use. 

    However, Medesto is now proudly helping people simplify these medication adherence problems. According to internal research, the Medesto Health Platform increased prescription adherence by 40% by sending reminders to platform users and enabling the participation of caregivers.

    Tools & Technologies

    • IOS
    • KOTLIN
    • SWIFT
    • Adobe XD
    • Miro
    • PHP
    • VueJS
    • Laravel

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      On-Demand Services


      House chores are the working class's most challenging part of the day. A study shows women under employment spend almost double the amount of time on household chores compared to their male counterparts.

      Let's ignore the routine chores. There is still tons of other work to be done around the house. All you need is a trusted handyman, but how to find one?

      Following this train of thought, a system was required that allows you to call for a reliable person to take care of your plumbing, gardening, or house cleaning needs, etc.

      Thus, Yellper came into form and BrainX was contacted to figure out all things necessary to make this project work. Our team moved forward with a pairing of web & mobile apps to put this platform together.

      On-Demand Services


      The specifications of such a complex project take a lot of work to tie down. However, Team BrainX ultimately settled on the requirements after conducting numerous meetings with all pertinent stakeholders.

      After the discovery phase, once everyone agreed upon the designs of the complete system, we started delivering the product while applying the Agile methodology. With each sprint’s end, a product was handed over for testing and getting feedback.

      On-Demand Services


      It was a fresh start for the platform, so Team BrainX worked on everything from scratch. A highly interactive user interface was designed to allow anyone to use the app conveniently on their mobile device.

      Two mobile apps were rolled out. One for Android using Kotlin and another for iOS developed through Swift. While the web app, used for gaining admin control of the mobile apps, was programmed with the MERN stack.

      The handyman service-providing app is packed with all the necessary features, such as:

      • Vendor & Customer Profiles
      • Available Jobs
      • Job Categories (for easy browsing)
      • In-app Payments (create invoices & pay charges within the app)
      • In-app Messaging
      • Vendor & Customer Reviews (and more)

      On-Demand Services


      Online job portals and freelance hiring websites are a dime a dozen today. However, Yellper set out to help the people troubled with juggling household chores and their work. 

      Nothing is more precious than some leisure time after a long shift on the job, and the app has made it possible for hard-working people to do just that. 

      Given its usefulness, the Yellper app is in high demand currently. At the same time, it's predicted to remain equally coveted for the foreseeable future.

      Tools & Technologies

      • Android
      • iOS
      • Kotlin
      • Swift
      • Adobe XD
      • Miro
      • ReactJS
      • NodeJS
      • ExpressJS
      • MongoDB

      We will get back to you soon!

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      • Our team will contact you to get details on the questions asked, meanwhile, we might ask you to sign an NDA to protect our collective privacy.
      • The team will get back to you with an appropriate response in 2 days.

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        MOHE BioTech, a leading company based in Switzerland, faced difficulties with their existing app, stemming from inaccurate results, deprecated iOS apps, and data loss. The MOHE team partnered with BrainX for a unique opportunity to transform health testing and monitoring.

        MOHE sought BrainX’s expertise in technology and innovation to revamp their existing iOS app and create an Android counterpart from scratch. Our team collaborated with the MOHE team to design and develop their Android and iOS apps to integrate their portable, wireless μTest devices for standardized testing and error-free health monitoring.



        BrainX followed agile methodology and started working in sprints. The first challenge was to prepare the documentation for their existing iOS app and update it. Besides that, a new Android app was built and integrated with their μReader device. After this step, we moved towards updating the screens and developing the apps from scratch.

        Our process started with a comprehensive technical evaluation, user experience analysis, codebase audit, security assessment, and testing strategy. Multiple meetings with the client resulted in real-time feedback and access to the device for effective integration with the new apps. The client formally signed off on the contract, marking the initiation of the development phase with version control systems, continuous integration, and testing for optimal code quality and deployment efficiency.



        MOHE introduced an all-in-one μTest device that analyzes up to 12 health indicators simultaneously, perfect for quick testing at home or while traveling. It provides speedy, accurate results, facilitates prompt decision-making, and securely stores a user’s family's health data.

        BrainX ensured effective measurement management, device connectivity, firmware updates, and settings customization. Our team worked with the MOHE team to design and develop a solution involving iOS & Android apps and a web-based data lab while offering the following technical solutions:

        1- Latest Tech Approaches : We implemented modern UI components and material design principles to enhance the app's usability. Our team utilized Swift 5.8 for iOS and Kotlin with Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) architecture for Android counterpart to build robust apps that can support a growing user base & data load while staying responsive.
        2- Data Management : The BrainX team ensured seamless data management with CoreData for updating iOS and Room Database for a new Android app to store medical records.
        3- Efficient Data Synchronization: We enhanced health data sharing capabilities by enabling smooth data synchronization through Retrofit.
        4- Prompt Issue Identification : We incorporated Firebase Crashlytics for swift identification and resolution of stability issues.
        5- Efficient Development :  The implementation of dependency injection with Dagger-Hilt and data binding with ViewBinding & DataBinding streamlined the development process for the MOHE app. This approach led to faster development cycles and easier maintenance of the apps.
        6- Compliant Backend:  The BrainX team incorporated best practices for data encryption, access control, and data anonymization. We ensure that patient records are protected from unauthorized access and comply with regulatory requirements.
        7- Separate Build Configurations :  We integrated separate build configurations for the existing iOS and the new Android counterpart into the development process. The purpose was to ensure specific settings for different development, testing, and deployment environments.



        The BrainX team provided solutions that aligned with the client’s needs and made significant impacts by:

        • Making the app more intuitive and engaging for individuals to test and monitor their health.
        • Ensuring smooth data synchronization and faster response times.
        • Enabling the app to handle a growing user base and increased data load.
        • Streamlining the development process, making MOHE more efficient and easier to maintain.

        Tools & Technologies

        • ANDROID
        • IOS
        • KOTLIN
        • SWIFT
        • Figma
        • Git
        • CSS
        • HTML
        • AWS

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        Famlicious is a social networking app that helps families stay connected by creating or joining their families, liking, sharing, or commenting on posts, collaborating on events, and more.

        When team Famlicious approached us. BrainX Technologies saw an opportunity to improve the app by adding various new features and enhancing the user experience. 

        The old app had limited functionality, was not user-friendly, and had entirely different features, resulting in low user engagement and retention rates.Therefore, team Famlicious and BrainX agreed on revamping the app completely and making it more modern and feature-rich to cater to the needs of modern-day families.


        BrainX Technologies took a user-centric approach to redesigning Famlicious. We conducted extensive research and analysis to identify user pain points, requirements, and preferences. Our team also analyzed the market trends and competition to identify the best practices and features that could be incorporated into the app.

        Team BrainX collaborated with the client to understand their business goals and objectives, and worked closely with them to ensure that the new app aligns with their vision and mission.



        The new Famlicious app developed by BrainX Technologies is a modern, feature-rich, and user-friendly app that caters to the needs of modern-day families. Now, the app has a clean and intuitive interface that makes it easy to navigate and use. 

        Some of the key features of the app include:

        • Creating family profiles: Users can create a new family or join an existing one.
        • Following families: A user can search for and connect with other families on the platform.
        • Creating & collaborating on events: A user can create and collaborate with members of their family, or other families added to their following list, on any event such as, grocery shopping, wedding planning, etc.  
        • Discover tab: Any post with public visibility enabled appears on the “Discover” section. Users can like, comment on and share these public posts.  
        • Child mode: There are two types of accounts allowed on the app, Adult & Child accounts. A child account doesn’t have a separate login and has limited access only.
        • Notifications: The app sends push notifications to notify users about the events they are tagged in for collaboration or otherwise.

        All usual social media app features like posting images and publishing text posts are included in the new version. Team BrainX has developed an iOS app on the client’s request. While its Android version is still under-development that will make the app accessible to a wider audience when it’s launched.


        The latest Famlicious app has had a significant impact on the client's business. Since the launch of the latest app, user engagement and retention rates have increased significantly. The app has received positive feedback from users, who appreciate the new features and improved user experience. 

        The client has also seen an increase in app downloads and subscriptions, leading to increased revenue and profits. The new app has helped the client differentiate themselves from the competition and establish themselves as a leader among the social networking websites and apps for families. 

        Overall, the revamped Famlicious app has been a great success for BrainX Technologies and our client.

        Tools & Technologies

        • iOS
        • Swift
        • Figma
        • Miro
        • NodeJS
        • Firebase
        • Pusher
        • Twilio

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        • Our team will contact you to get details on the questions asked, meanwhile, we might ask you to sign an NDA to protect our collective privacy.
        • The team will get back to you with an appropriate response in 2 days.

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          Managing a gym requires an efficient system that caters to the diverse needs of users, staff, and trainers. Traditional methods, often reliant on manual processes, can become error-prone. BrainX addressed these challenges to the Impact Physical Gym App’s client by implementing a comprehensive gym mobile app and dashboard solution.

          The existing manual process was prone to errors and inefficiencies, leading to inaccuracies in attendance records and wasted administrative time. So, the BrainX team worked on iOS and Android apps and a front-desk dashboard that streamlined their operations and improved gym attendance percentages.



          BrainX initiated the project with a thorough client discussion and signed a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). We reviewed requirements meticulously to understand functional needs and user interactions for each gym management system component. Our team then developed prototypes and a design prototype to showcase the proposed solutions to the client. We commenced the development phase with client approval, adhering to the Agile methodology.

          We prioritized vital features such as user authentication, profile management, attendance tracking, and check-in/check-out functionalities. Upon completion of development milestones, we conducted thorough user acceptance testing (UAT) to validate the system's functionality and usability.



          BrainX built the GYM mobile apps and dashboard to provide the following set of features that catered to the needs of users, trainers, administrators, and front desk staff;

          Front Desk & Admin Dashboard

          • Trainees and trainers can check in and check out using the side menu.
          • Front desk users can view and edit the attendance records of all the trainees and trainers.
          • Admins can manage users by adding, editing, and deactivating their profiles.
          • Attendance reports and data can be easily exported using data visualization tools.
          • Admins can search trainers by name or email, filter by gender, and access detailed profiles by clicking on a trainer's name.
          • The user will be able to log in by providing the admin credentials shared with them.

          Android/iOS User Apps

          • Users will be able to check in via the QR generated by the admins.
          • The home screen lets users track milestones, promotions, payments & attendance, and connect with the community.
          • Users can subscribe to Single, VIP, and Family memberships, each designed for different fitness needs with simple billing & navigation.
          • Gym app users can easily access program details & trainer’s profiles.
          • Trainers can easily manage their classes by rescheduling or canceling them.
          • Trainees and trainers can have a seamless conversation via in-app chat.
          • Users earn points for achieving milestones that can be redeemed as rewards.



          The development of updated gym platforms and dashboards yielded the following significant impacts;

          • The mobile application streamlined attendance management processes and reduced the time spent on manual record-keeping and administrative tasks.
          • Automation reduced the risk of human error, resulting in more accurate attendance records and reporting.
          • The intuitive interface and mobile accessibility improved user satisfaction among staff, trainees, and trainers.
          • The application helped save costs associated with paper-based attendance systems and administrative overhead by eliminating manual processes.
          • Access to real-time attendance data enabled better decision-making and resource allocation for the GYM app client.

          Tools & Technologies

          • ANDROID
          • IOS
          • KOTLIN
          • SWIFT
          • ReactJS
          • MongoDB
          • NodeJS
          • ExpressJS
          • Git
          • HTML
          • CSS

          We will get back to you soon!

          • Leave the required information and your queries in the given contact us form.
          • Our team will contact you to get details on the questions asked, meanwhile, we might ask you to sign an NDA to protect our collective privacy.
          • The team will get back to you with an appropriate response in 2 days.

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            A leading construction company based in Toronto faced challenges in managing its workforce efficiently and accurately.

            The manual and disparate systems for logging hours, tracking jobs, and handling financial records led to inefficiencies, errors, and a lack of real-time insights.

            The company recognized the need for a comprehensive workforce management system and partnered with BrainX to design and develop CORE.



            BrainX undertook the development of the CORE platform, employing a user-centered approach for automating and displaying time logging, job management, financial details, and certifications. We incorporated agile methodology to get real-time client feedback. The BrainX team had collaborative sessions with the CORE team during the discovery phase to understand their existing business processes and ensure an impactful digital transformation with our solution.

            The prototypes were refined and shared with the client using wireframing tools and design systems, ensuring a user-friendly interface. The client formally signed off on the contract, marking the initiation of the development phase with version control systems, continuous integration, and automated testing for optimal code quality and deployment efficiency.



            CORE is a paperless solution built using the MERN stack for efficient team management. Dedicated dashboards for workers, team leaders, and administrators were meticulously developed by BrainX using responsive design principles and ensuring cross-browser compatibility.

            • Time Tracking: The system allowed workers to seamlessly log hours, select jobs, and add descriptions with pause/clock-out features.
            • Team Management Automation: Enabled team leaders to log hours for team members, add new workers to jobs with their names, and streamline team-related processes.
            • Record Details and Editing: Provided a detailed breakdown of logged hours in the worker’s dashboard and allowed them to edit entries.
            • Jobs Overview: Workers can see detailed information about assigned jobs, their work durations, and payout amounts.
            • Unified Dashboard: Developed a centralized dashboard for admins, consolidating critical information on jobs, teams, users, and due amounts.
            • Job Management: Facilitated job creation, editing, and deletion with a job management feature for making job-relevant data accessible to the admin.
            • Certificates Management Section: The admin can assign certificates by selecting names from the dropdown menu and uploading a JPEG, PNG, or PDF format of certificates.
              Advanced Payroll Management: Streamlined payroll processing with features like payment rule configuration, daily logs, and clear dues options.



            The efficient development and successful deployment of a web-responsive platform for CORE set the stage for streamlined operations, and enhanced transparency of the company. It also improved the productivity of their workers and resulted in:

            1- Increased Automation: The introduction of automated time tracking and job management processes reduced manual efforts and errors.

            2- Enhanced User Transparency: Specified dashboards for different user types improved communication and transparency within the workforce.

            3- Precision in Payroll Processing: The streamlined payroll management system ensured accurate and timely payments, minimizing discrepancies.

            4- Adherence to Compliance Standards: The certification management system enhanced tracking and validation of worker certifications, ensuring compliance.

            5- Cost-Efficiency: Reduction in manual errors and efforts led to cost savings, contributing to increased profitability in construction projects.

            6- Future Scalability: Its robust architecture and versatile, user-friendly features make it a scalable solution. The CORE team wants to use it as a product and commercialize it for various industries.

            Tools & Technologies

            • Figma
            • ReactJS
            • MongoDB
            • NodeJS
            • ExpressJS
            • Git
            • Firebase
            • AWS
            • HTML
            • CSS

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