How customers perceive their interactions with your brand has become a primary focus for businesses. Kustomer is a NY-based company helping brands provide better customer experience. They’ve raised around $38.5 million in funding for a modern platform that provides an omnichannel customer experience.

Their solution combines everything you know about your consumers with a powerful process engine so your team can deliver faster, more proactive service. Kustomer team approached BrainX to build an android SDK for their growing customer base.



Kustomer and BrainX teams partnered up to build the android SDK with the same features as their existing iOS SDK. Our technical team analyzed the iOS SDK thoroughly and initiated the development accordingly. A robust android SDK was built within a short span of 2 months.



The solution we built is a chat sdk especially developed for customer experience, service & support. It is designed to enable customers to chat with brand’s support team from within the mobile app. It supports both logged in and anonymous chats.

Fully customizable style & font, it’s easy to match SDK’s Mobile Chat to client application’s brand. For localization, 48 languages are pre-built into the SDK. Through SDK, we have managed user communication with support teams, automated conversational messaging, media sharing, and pro-active messaging



Companies like Ring, Glossier, Slice, and others trust their most important relationships with Kustomer. Glovo, one of the leading startups in Europe with over 5 million users manages its customer support through Kustomer's chat SDKs. With the addition of the Android SDK, these companies are now able to reach more customers and be able to grow their business by providing an exceptional customer experience. Kustomer has raised $113.5M in funding so far.

Tools & Technologies

  • Android
  • iOS
  • Kotlin
  • Swift
  • Adobe XD
  • Miro

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    Driven Day, a leading provider of physical day planners, recognized the need to expand their offerings into the hands of mobile device users. They sought to leverage the growing popularity of mobile devices and provide their customers with convenient and feature-rich mobile applications.

    Thus, BrainX Technologies was approached to develop a mobile version of the physical Driven Day planners for iOS and Android platforms. The goal was to create user-friendly and efficient apps that seamlessly integrate with the existing Driven Day ecosystem.



    BrainX Technologies adopted a comprehensive approach to ensure the successful development of the Driven Day mobile applications. The project team consisted of a UI/UX designer, an Android developer, an iOS developer, a QA engineer, and a project manager.

    The project commenced with in-depth discussions and analysis of the client's requirements, including the desired features and functionalities. BrainX Technologies collaborated closely with Driven Day's team to gain a thorough understanding of their business processes and user expectations. Our collaborative approach facilitated the identification of key design elements, app flow, and technical specification


    The BrainX team designed and developed the Driven Day mobile app, focusing on providing a seamless and intuitive user experience. The following key features were implemented:

    1- Choosing between Standard & Religious Planners: Users could select their preferred planner type based on their needs and preferences.

    2- Add Tasks & Set Reminders: Users could easily add tasks and set reminders to ensure the timely completion of their daily activities. 

    3- Add Images & Documents to Tasks: The app allows users to attach images and documents to their tasks, providing them with a convenient way to organize and reference related files.

    4- Add Task to Google Calendar or iCalendar: Integration with popular calendar platforms enabled users to sync their Driven Day tasks with their existing calendars, ensuring a unified view of their schedule.

    5- Share Tasks: Users could share tasks with colleagues, friends, or family, fostering collaboration and enhancing productivity.

    6- Notification of Reminders & Shared Tasks: The app sends timely notifications for reminders and updates related to shared tasks, ensuring that users stay informed and never miss important events. 

    The Android & iOS apps were developed using Kotlin and Swift respectively, ensuring native performance and optimal user experience. Additionally, BrainX Technologies developed a Web Admin panel using the MERN stack to empower Driven Day's team with efficient management and oversight capabilities.


    The collaboration between BrainX Technologies and Driven Day resulted in highly successful mobile applications. The Driven Day mobile apps provided users with a seamless transition from the physical planners to a digital platform, offering a range of intuitive features to enhance their productivity and organization. 

    The app's integration with Google Calendar and iCalendar enabled users to seamlessly manage their tasks across different platforms, promoting efficiency and ease of use. The ability to share tasks improved collaboration and communication among users, streamlining teamwork and project management. Traditional planners had nothing to offer for reminders and collaborations but the Driven Day app has overcome such limitations, allowing for higher productivity.

    In conclusion, the Driven Day mobile app developed by BrainX Technologies provided a compelling solution that transformed the traditional day planner experience into a dynamic and efficient digital tool, enabling users to stay organized, productive, and in control of their daily lives.

    Tools & Technologies

    • Android
    • iOS
    • Kotlin
    • Swift
    • Adobe XD
    • Miro
    • ReactJS
    • MongoDB
    • NodeJS
    • ExpressJS

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      Zytrack, a leading provider of time tracking solutions, identified a significant opportunity to revolutionize the time tracking process for temporary workers, specifically targeting construction workers. The existing manual time tracking system was fraught with inefficiencies, inaccuracies, and compliance challenges.

      Recognizing the need for a comprehensive solution, Zytrack sought the expertise of BrainX Technologies to develop a cutting-edge app that would streamline the time tracking process, client approval workflow, and contract compliance.



      BrainX Technologies collaborated closely with Zytrack to devise an innovative solution that would address the pain points faced by temporary workers. By leveraging our development expertise, Team BrainX designed and implemented the Zytrack app for iOS & Android, integrating it seamlessly with a web version of Zytrack for enhanced functionality and data transfer. 

      Our inclusive approach ensured a robust and efficient system that would transform the time tracking experience for temporary workers while meeting the requirements of all parties involved.


      With the help of BrainX Technologies, the Zytrack app was meticulously developed, incorporating several essential features to optimize time tracking and compliance for temporary workers. The salient functionalities included in the initial phase of the app's implementation were:

      1- GPS Functionality: The Zytrack app seamlessly integrated GPS tracking, allowing precise location tracking and accurate time reporting for workers on the go.
      2- Work-Related Expenses: Workers could effortlessly record work-related expenses directly within the app, simplifying expense tracking and minimizing administrative burdens.
      3- Contract and Payroll Management: Companies can efficiently manage contracts and streamline payroll processes with Zytrack's integrated Contract and Payroll Management feature.
      4- Chat Functionality: The app featured a robust chat feature that facilitated seamless communication and collaboration among workers, clients, and agencies, streamlining the entire workflow.
      5- Long-Term Events Screen: A dedicated section within the app was developed to enable workers to log long-term events such as holidays, maternity leave, and other absences. This feature empowered workers to easily manage their time-off requests while ensuring compliance with HR regulations.

      To further enhance the app's capabilities, BrainX Technologies identified open items for future development. These included features like employee contract termination and the possibility of using the app offline. Additionally, suggestions were made to improve user experience by providing limited access to certain screens when offline, with clear prompts to connect to the internet for seamless data synchronization.



      The collaboration between Zytrack and BrainX Technologies yielded significant positive outcomes for both temporary workers and the involved stakeholders. The key impacts of the Zytrack app solution are as follows:

      1- Improved Efficiency: The digitization of the time tracking process eliminated the need for manual data entry and cumbersome paper-based time sheets.
      2- Enhanced Accuracy: The Zytrack app ensured accurate time tracking, minimizing errors and discrepancies, improving the payroll accuracy and reducing worked hours related disputes.
      3- Streamlined Compliance: By integrating contract specifications, the app automatically adapted hourly rates based on tracked hours, ensuring compliance with trade union contracts.
      4- Effective Communication: The built-in chat functionality fostered seamless communication between workers, clients, and agencies, enabling quick issue resolution, better coordination, and improved collaboration.
      5- Scalability & Growth Potential: The Zytrack app showed its potential for scalability and wider adoption in various industries with features planned for next phases, such as standalone registration, expanded user base, and enhanced team management capabilities.
      By leveraging the technical expertise of BrainX Technologies, Zytrack successfully transformed the time tracking experience for temporary workers.The platform is empowering its users with an efficient and compliant solution that streamlines operations, reduces administrative burdens, and paves the way for improved productivity.

      Tools & Technologies

      • Android
      • iOS
      • Kotlin
      • Swift
      • Adobe XD
      • Miro
      • ROR

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        Bariatric surgery may become necessary if diet and exercise haven't helped or if you're suffering severe health problems due to your weight. Bariatric surgery involves procedures that make adjustments to your digestive system to help you lose weight. These are some major surgeries and require some pre-op and post-op dietary changes to prepare the human body. 

        Baritastic is a mobile app made just to simplify that process for the patients with its unique health tracking options for weight loss. Baritastic as a company was acquired by one of our previous clients named Tespo and was immediately handed over to BrainX for all development-related tasks based on our unparalleled and reliable development services. The task at hand was to revamp and maintain the current version of the mobile app for both Android and iOS platforms



        Since this app was initially being handled by another team, BrainX had a big challenge to first set foot in the app’s backend environment. The app was built using the CakePHP frameworks, which were pretty old to manage along with future requirements. In addition to that, there were some UI/UX-related issues that were hampering the experience & overall performance of the product.

        Baritastic’s user base was quite large which means a lot of data to be processed. It generally took minutes instead of seconds to get the required response from the backend, therefore optimizing the backend was one of the major technical challenges to be addressed by BrainX. . Therefore, after grabbing all the necessary instructions for Baritastic, a team of expert backend engineers was formed. Later on, our core mobile development team jumped in to ensure sound builds with particular attention to the accuracy of those health tracker APIs.



        Our team was focused on turning the old lagging app into a stable health and fitness app that could bring out the most accurate results while actually serving to be a surgery prep app for bariatric surgery patients. Since the previous team didn’t follow the coding standards, our team had no other choice than to revamp the web dashboard from scratch.

        Our team managed to take hold of the project within 3-4 months and developed a new and improved dashboard using VUE JS and  PHP Laravel. These new developments resulted in a much better customer experience that included faster processing time and easier new client onboarding.

        Other enhancements injected some fantastic features that would allow the patients to lose weight without having much to worry about. The current app contains a range of tracking options, including,

        • Nutrition Tracking
        • Weight Tracking
        • Exercise Tracking
        • Measurement Tracking
        • Assorted Reminders

        Besides these tracking options, Baritastic offers added features like Patient Journal (for logging thoughts, taking pictures, and rating hunger & happiness), Newbie Checklists (for staying on task and getting to the surgeries), Bariatric Specific Recipes, and Baritastic Social Support Group.
        Nevertheless, now team BrainX is conveniently on the support stage for both their web and mobile app where it’s easier for us to implement any future enhancements and customization.


        Baritastic now falls in the top 100 medical apps in the US, with 500,000+ users onboard. Its revenue for the year 2021 totaled a whopping 1 million USD. After this enormous success, Tespo was able to sell it to the pharmaceutical giant Metagenics.

        Tools & Technologies

        • Android
        • iOS
        • Java
        • ObjectiveC
        • Adobe XD
        • Miro
        • Vue JS
        • PHP
        • Laravel

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        The Bonzo team recognized the need for a comprehensive mobile app solution to empower their Advisors and Real Estate Agents in the UK. They saw an opportunity to enhance their outreach and sales capabilities, leveraging the power of smartphone apps. 

        Team Bonzo further recognized the increasing need for a user-friendly platform that would facilitate seamless communication, efficient contact management, and streamlined operations. 

        Their objective was to engage with clients more effectively while ensuring hassle-free contact management, campaign tracking, and communication across multiple channels.


        Team Bonzo approached BrainX Technologies seeking a comprehensive mobile app solution. Through collaborative meetings at every stage, our team worked closely with Team Bonzo to understand their requirements, provide regular updates, and incorporate feedback. 

        Using an iterative approach, we ensured that the final iOS and Android apps meet their vision and needs.


        The Bonzo mobile apps, developed by BrainX Technologies, provided a range of features designed to enhance the effectiveness of Advisors and Real Estate Agents:

        • People Management: Users can efficiently manage contacts, campaigns, pipelines, tasks, videos, and conversations directly from the phone.
        • In-app Messaging: Enabling users to carry out seamless communication similar to popular messaging apps, allowing faster response times and improved collaboration.
        • Task Reminders: Users are allowed to set up reminders for clients, ensuring important follow-ups and engagements are not missed.
        • CRM: Users can utilize a comprehensive customer relationship management system, streamlining sales processes and enhancing client relationships.



        The Bonzo mobile apps revolutionized the way Advisors and Real Estate Agents engaged with clients, resulting in tangible benefits:

        1- Streamlined Workflow: The centralized platform for contact management and task reminders improved organizational efficiency.

        2- Enhanced Communication: In-app messaging facilitated faster response times and better collaboration among team members.
        3- Accurate Documentation: The ability to record calls and voice notes ensured comprehensive and convenient documentation of client interactions.
        4- Customization and Flexibility: The subscription-based model, coupled with premium add-ons, offered users flexibility and tailored solutions.

        Tools & Technologies

        • Android
        • iOS
        • Kotlin
        • Swift
        • Adobe XD
        • Miro

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          Drive Mouse, Inc., a forward-thinking company, recognized the growing need for car dealerships and sales teams to efficiently manage their client interactions in a rapidly changing business landscape.

          Our client identified the opportunity to develop an all-in-one communication tool that would streamline and enhance the connection between car dealership companies and their clients.

          BrainX Technologies was approached by Drive Mouse, Inc. to develop a powerful, user-friendly Customer Relationship Management platform that would meet all of their business needs.



          BrainX Technologies worked closely with team Drive Mouse to understand their vision and the specific requirements for the ClientDex app. Our team took a holistic approach, focusing on an intuitive user experience, visually appealing design, and robust functionality. To ensure a seamless and efficient development process, we employed Agile methodology, enabling our UI/UX designers and product developers to collaborate effectively and adapt to evolving requirements.
          Through iterative cycles of planning, design, development, and testing, our team was able to quickly respond to changes and incorporate feedback from Drive Mouse, Inc. Our approach allowed us to maintain a constant focus on the end-users' needs and the overall quality of the ClientDex app, leading to a tailored solution that met the demands of the target audience.


          BrainX Technologies delivered a comprehensive solution with the ClientDex app, offering a modern design and powerful tools that cater to the needs of businesses and sales teams. 

          The CRM app enables users to store customer data, make and receive calls, send and receive SMS & MMS, and even collect payments when deemed necessary. Team BrainX has designed and developed the app for both iOS and Android platforms, as well as a web version for increased accessibility. 

          The core functionalities of the ClientDex app encompass:

          • Creating a Showroom: Users with an Admin account can create their car showroom.
          • Four dashboards: Separate dashboards for the Super Admin, Manager(s), Salespersons (employees), and Organization.
          • Intuitive client list management: Allows users to add a client, delete a client record, search for clients using their names and numbers, and edit client information.
          • Efficient note creation: Enables users to quickly create and manage notes for every client.
          • Dedicated data drive: Facilitates the addition of photos and files to enhance communication and record-keeping for each client.
          • Chat functionality: Streamlines real-time text communication between users and clients from within the app to actual phone numbers.
          • Calls and voicemail management: Users can make and receive calls, and handle voicemails with in-app support for real phone numbers.
          • Detailed communication statistics: Provides insights into call, SMS, and MMS data, helping users analyze and optimize their communication efforts.
          • Business cards: Users can create and edit their own business cards to share it with their clients through email, text or a virtual link.

          These features were designed using industry-leading tools, such as Adobe XD, Photoshop, and Illustrator, to ensure a high-quality user experience.


          The collaboration between Team BrainX and Team Drive Mouse resulted in the successful launch of the ClientDex app that has quickly gained traction among auto dealership businesses and their sales teams. 

          The app's versatile features and user-friendly interface have enabled users to effectively manage client interactions, improving overall productivity and strengthening client relationships. 

          The positive feedback and growing user base indicate the significant impact the ClientDex app has had in addressing the communication challenges faced by modern businesses. As a result, BrainX Technologies and Drive Mouse, Inc. have built a lasting partnership, continuing for over 3 years, committed to delivering exceptional products that cater to the evolving needs of their customers.

          Tools & Technologies

          • Android
          • iOS
          • Kotlin
          • Swift
          • Adobe XD
          • Miro
          • ROR

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            Family physicians are a thing of the past. In contrast, emergency rooms or specialists are now the go-to for medical care. Visits to all these places lead to a heap of medical records, making organizing and storing them an incredible hassle.

            That’s why Priority AG started ideating a unique platform Blutwerte, translated as Blood values, to help digitize anyone’s medical records securely and anonymously. So, the next time you or one of your family members visit the doctor, you don’t have to fret over finding, carrying, or misplacing old healthcare records.

            Another vision for the platform was to help you track your health records and notify whether you or your loved ones are in proper shape. Upon finding any deviation in the blood values, you will receive an evaluation of the issue and how it might have occurred.
            Given the project's scope, Priority AG understood they required a mobile and web app to make the platform functional.



            The BrainX team worked hand in hand with Priority AG to develop the Blutwerte platform from scratch. Key stakeholders carried out numerous meetings. The client shared respective documents, and requirements were agreed upon after reviewing them.

            According to our company practices, Agile methodology was adopted to set milestones. So, the product was delivered in sprints. The client tested the provided application at each sprint’s end and gave feedback for any improvements.



            The BrainX team designed an interactive user interface for their mobile app with the target audience of 18-55 in mind, utilizing the latest SwiftUI and native iOS frameworks. The web app, which serves as an Admin Panel, was built with the MERN stack to ensure scalability.

            The promise of anonymity is upheld without the need for user login. The app implements secure storage mechanisms to ensure that no personal information is collected or stored from users, even during in-app uploads. Medical records can be added without the need for users to reveal any personal information about themselves or others.

            Users have the option to provide blood values through manual entry or by uploading an image or PDF file. The uploaded files are only temporarily stored during the digitization process and are promptly removed from the backend servers. Only the blood values are used to monitor a user's health and are securely stored locally on their device. 

            The mobile app features include the following:

            • Profile creation for friends and family (1-5 profiles for a single user/phone)
            • Adding lab reports 
            • Setting biomarkers and their units to keep track of the blood values
            • Getting blood value evaluations for different profiles
            • Viewing biomarker progression charts
            • Encyclopedia for viewing information on biomarkers 
            • Dictionary to look up medical terms 
            • Multi-Language support for German and English
            The app only requires the correct age and gender to maintain a reference range of biomarkers for any profile.


            Health garners the utmost attention from parents. Now with the app, parents maintain their children’s medical records in one place for consultations or day-to-day monitoring.

            Generally, most users are trying to utilize the app to monitor their blood values and keep their health concerns in check. It’s not wrong to say Blutwerte helps save and improve people’s lives– daily. 

            In the next stage of development, the app might let users easily consult with different clinics or healthcare providers for quick advice. Another feature to be excited about, in future versions, is the app's ability to provide dynamic suggestions.

            Tools & Technologies

            • iOS
            • React JS
            • NodeJS
            • XD
            • Express JS
            • Miro
            • Swift
            • MongoDB

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              Just Thrive, a reputable provider of scientifically-backed health products, approached BrainX Technologies with the aim of improving their existing Shopify store.
              While Just Thrive had a strong online presence, they faced several challenges that hindered their e-commerce growth. So, they sought a dedicated team with proven expertise in Shopify development and a track record of delivering measurable results.
              Team Just Thrive’s ultimate goal was to create a more user-friendly and efficient online shopping experience for their customers while increasing overall sales and conversions.


              BrainX Technologies adopted a systematic approach to address the challenges faced by Just Thrive.
              The primary areas of focus were user interface and experience, custom app development, sales funnel optimization, site speed enhancement, theme customization, and implementing custom discounting logic with Shopify Plus.



              Over the past 2 to 3 years, Team BrainX has offered the following solutions for the online store.

              1- Theme Redesign (UI/UX):
              We revamped the store's visual appeal and user experience by redesigning the Shopify theme. The new design offered a clean, intuitive, and visually appealing layout, making it easier for customers to navigate the website.
              2- Custom App Development:
              To meet the unique requirements of Just Thrive's business, a custom app was developed. The app provided personalized features and functionalities to enhance customer engagement and simplify the purchase process.
              3- Sales Funnel and A/B Testing:
              Team BrainX devised a comprehensive sales funnel to guide customers through the purchasing journey efficiently. A/B testing was carried out to identify the most effective strategies to maximize conversions.
              4- Site Speed Optimization:
              Slow loading times can lead to user frustration and cart abandonment. Our team optimized the website's speed, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable shopping experience for visitors.
              5- Theme Customization:
              Apart from a complete redesign, specific customizations were made to the theme to align it with Just Thrive's brand identity and values, fostering brand loyalty.
              6- Custom Discounting Logic (Shopify Plus):
              With the implementation of custom discounting logic on the Shopify Plus platform, Just Thrive could offer targeted promotions and incentives to customers, boosting sales and retention.



              The results of BrainX Technologies' efforts were impressive, driving substantial improvements for Just Thrive's online store:

              • 56% Increase in Session Conversions: The enhanced user experience and optimized sales funnel significantly increased the number of visitors completing purchases.
              • 16% Increase in Orders: The streamlined shopping process and appealing design encouraged more customers to place orders.
              • 14% Increase in Total Sales: The combined effect of improved conversions and increased orders led to a notable rise in overall sales.
              • 4% Increase in Returning Customers: The personalized experience and enticing discounts encouraged more repeat business, building a loyal customer base.
              • Average Order Value (AOV) was maintained at a steady level, indicating that the increase in sales was not at the expense of sacrificing order value.

              By partnering with BrainX Technologies and embracing the recommended solutions, Just Thrive witnessed remarkable improvements in their Shopify store's performance. The successful collaboration resulted in heightened user engagement, increased sales, and a more loyal customer base. The revamped online store now reflects Just Thrive's commitment to empowering people worldwide to lead healthier lives.

              Tools & Technologies

              • Shopify
              • HTML
              • CSS
              • Javascript
              • Liquid
              • NodeJS
              • MongoDB

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                In the era of career development, managing educational pathways is crucial for both students and educators. However, traditional methods often fail to streamline the approach.

                Recognizing this gap, the CORD team sought a solution to empower organizations in managing career pathways effectively. They collaborated with BrainX to design and develop a comprehensive career mapping platform to facilitate the input, visualization, and management of career pathway data, catering to diverse organizational needs.



                To address the identified opportunity, the BrainX team adopted a Scrum-based approach focused on understanding the primary requirements and reiterating after the client’s feedback. We began by analyzing the client's needs and potential challenges, including the technical challenge of mapping diverse career pathways accurately. This phase involved studying the functionalities required for career pathway data input, visualization, and management of user access control.

                Collaborating closely with the client, we initiated the design and development process by creating wireframes and mockups to visualize the solution's architecture and user interface. The iterative approach ensured alignment with the project objectives and facilitated seamless communication between us and the CORD team throughout the development lifecycle.



                Drawing from the insights gained up till the planning & risk evaluation phase, we designed and developed a robust solution encompassing various components to provide these technical solutions:

                1. We used Laravel to develop a user-friendly app for organizations to seamlessly input credential details, prior credit, and high school equivalency courses.
                2. The BrainX team created printable and online career pathway visualizations to allow users to visualize career pathway data comprehensively.
                3. Our team integrated comprehensive features for editing, duplicating, deleting, archiving, and unarchiving pathway profiles to make pathway data manageable for admins.
                4. BrainX’s experts added a notification system via email with a comment section to enable seamless communication among students and organization admins.
                5. We streamlined reporting by allowing admins to access basic reports on organizations, users, and career pathway profiles for data-driven decision-making.



                The implementation of the CORD platform yielded significant impacts across various dimensions:

                • Organizations experienced increased efficiency in managing career pathway data with intuitive tools and streamlined processes.
                • The platform facilitated seamless communication, maintaining a conducive environment for sharing knowledge and decision-making.
                • Enhanced visibility into career pathway data gave organizations a clearer understanding of educational journeys, leading to informed decision-making and improved outcomes.
                • Admins benefited from comprehensive management tools, empowering them to oversee organizational activities effectively and drive strategic initiatives.
                • Users reported positive feedback regarding the user-friendly interface and intuitive functionalities, contributing to a seamless user experience.

                Tools & Technologies

                • Figma
                • Miro
                • Laravel
                • HTML
                • CSS
                • Git
                • Vue
                • AWS

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                SOCIAL NETWORKING


                Famlicious is a social networking app that helps families stay connected by creating or joining their families, liking, sharing, or commenting on posts, collaborating on events, and more.

                When team Famlicious approached us. BrainX Technologies saw an opportunity to improve the app by adding various new features and enhancing the user experience. 

                The old app had limited functionality, was not user-friendly, and had entirely different features, resulting in low user engagement and retention rates.Therefore, team Famlicious and BrainX agreed on revamping the app completely and making it more modern and feature-rich to cater to the needs of modern-day families.
                SOCIAL NETWORKING


                BrainX Technologies took a user-centric approach to redesigning Famlicious. We conducted extensive research and analysis to identify user pain points, requirements, and preferences. Our team also analyzed the market trends and competition to identify the best practices and features that could be incorporated into the app.

                Team BrainX collaborated with the client to understand their business goals and objectives, and worked closely with them to ensure that the new app aligns with their vision and mission.

                SOCIAL NETWORKING


                The new Famlicious app developed by BrainX Technologies is a modern, feature-rich, and user-friendly app that caters to the needs of modern-day families. Now, the app has a clean and intuitive interface that makes it easy to navigate and use. 

                Some of the key features of the app include:

                • Creating family profiles: Users can create a new family or join an existing one.
                • Following families: A user can search for and connect with other families on the platform.
                • Creating & collaborating on events: A user can create and collaborate with members of their family, or other families added to their following list, on any event such as, grocery shopping, wedding planning, etc.  
                • Discover tab: Any post with public visibility enabled appears on the “Discover” section. Users can like, comment on and share these public posts.  
                • Child mode: There are two types of accounts allowed on the app, Adult & Child accounts. A child account doesn’t have a separate login and has limited access only.
                • Notifications: The app sends push notifications to notify users about the events they are tagged in for collaboration or otherwise.

                All usual social media app features like posting images and publishing text posts are included in the new version. Team BrainX has developed an iOS app on the client’s request. While its Android version is still under-development that will make the app accessible to a wider audience when it’s launched.
                SOCIAL NETWORKING


                The latest Famlicious app has had a significant impact on the client's business. Since the launch of the latest app, user engagement and retention rates have increased significantly. The app has received positive feedback from users, who appreciate the new features and improved user experience. 

                The client has also seen an increase in app downloads and subscriptions, leading to increased revenue and profits. The new app has helped the client differentiate themselves from the competition and establish themselves as a leader among the social networking websites and apps for families. 

                Overall, the revamped Famlicious app has been a great success for BrainX Technologies and our client.

                Tools & Technologies

                • iOS
                • Swift
                • Figma
                • Miro
                • NodeJS
                • Firebase
                • Pusher
                • Twilio

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