Momentary Ink was looking to streamline their online buyers’ experience for the Spring/Summer season as they were facing quite a lot of challenges from both the Front-end and Backend sides of their system.

From the frontend side, they were facing the following issues:
The website pages were taking more than the normal time to load, which was impacting the overall site’s performance.
There were notable glitches and bugs on the web pages that were not only spoiling the user experience but were also making the site look cheaper. The site was not properly optimized for mobile devices. They wanted to get some of their web pages revamped in terms of design and functionality, so the overall customer experience could be enhanced.

Whereas, from the backend side, they had the following issues: Whenever a new order was created, it was redirected to the designers, who would convert them into high-resolution vector images. The records for all these orders were uploaded into cloud storage, which eventually maxed out. Momentary Ink used two servers to support its backend operations. Unfortunately, one of these two servers went down. So, they needed a new server that could imitate the functionality of the lost one.



Momentary Ink approached BrainX to solve this problem for them. Our teams sat down together to study the case and brainstorm ideas to provide the best solution for their e-commerce store. The idea was to refine the website experience, from both frontend and backend aspects, so that a better user experience could be created for their customers in the future.



Our team worked hard to finally solve all the errors that Momentary Ink was facing in its online operations. For Frontend issues, our team:

Optimized the speed of all the web pages of the site, which improved their search engine ranking. Eliminated major glitches that were jeopardizing the frontend user experience.Made all the web pages highly optimized for mobile devices.

Moreover, our team used the A/B testing method while re-designing the pages. In this method, two different variants of each page were created and were presented to different customers – whichever page performed better (in terms of sales) was then finalized for the site.
For Backend issues, our team Erased all the unnecessary data related to older customer orders, thus freeing up a lot of space in the cloud for newer data. Created a new server by mimicking the operations of the existing server and successfully integrated it with the system.



The end product was quite useful for Momentary Ink, as it not only streamlined their backend operations but also improved their customer experience, which was apparent in the form of the site’s visitor count. 

So, now the company could offer its customers a platform that provided

  • Pleasant design
  • Easy navigation between pages
  • Convenient check-out options
  • Better customer support

Tools & Technologies

  • Shopify
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • Liquid
  • NodeJS
  • MySQL

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    Social Platform


    HiveInfluence sought to bridge the gap between brands and influencers by developing a web application that facilitates the discovery and management of influencer partnerships. The Hive team partnered with BrainX Technologies to create a platform where brands could search for influencers and view detailed profiles.

    Additionally, the platform allows brands to manage influencer relationships using a customizable Kanban board. The goal was to enhance influencer marketing campaigns' overall efficiency and effectiveness for brands and influencers.

    Social Platform


    BrainX adopted an Agile methodology and divided the project into sprints to focus on user authentication, influencer search, and profile management. We created wireframes and prototypes to ensure an intuitive user interface and refined it through usability testing.

    Continuous testing helped us identify and resolve bugs early, while regular feedback ensured the development aligned with HiveInfluence’s vision. Finally, BrainX implemented continuous deployment (CD) pipelines using Jenkins to automate testing and deployment for rapid and reliable delivery of updates.

    Social Platform


    BrainX offered the following advanced technical solutions for HiveInfluence to streamline influencer marketing:

    • A search engine with extensive filters helps find influencers based on engagement rates, follower demographics, and content specifics.
    • Detailed profile pages for influencers represent graphical data of their social media performance, which could be exported as PDF reports.
    • A customizable Kanban board with a React DnD library allows brands to manage their selected influencers and track campaign progress visually.
    • Using MongoDB provides flexibility and scalability in handling large datasets.
    • The dynamic boards' feature lets users create, edit, and manage boards & columns, search & filter influencers, export data, and rearrange items intuitively.
    • The Plan & Billing section lets users view their current plan and renewal date, check their billing history, cancel their plan with confirmation, and download invoices.
    • The influencers page lets users search, filter, and manage influencers across social media with detailed cards for comprehensive information and actions.
    • The notes section lets users add, edit & delete notes via dropdown, and download a PDF report.

    Social Platform


    The HiveInfluence platform has significantly enhanced the efficiency of connecting brands with the right influencers and have the following impacts:

    • The advanced search engine with extensive filters saves time and effort.
    • Comprehensive profile pages allow users to make data-driven decisions.
    • The customizable Kanban board allows brands to manage influencers and track campaign progress visually.
    • A robust authentication system enhances trust and security.
    • Clear visibility of current plans ensures transparency and ease of financial management.
    • Efficient credit management encourages users to manage their credits wisely.
    • Users can optimize influencer marketing by easily searching, filtering, and managing influencers with detailed info and actions.

    Tools & Technologies

    • React
    • Git
    • AWS
    • HTML
    • CSS
    • ROR

    We will get back to you soon!

    • Leave the required information and your queries in the given contact us form.
    • Our team will contact you to get details on the questions asked, meanwhile, we might ask you to sign an NDA to protect our collective privacy.
    • The team will get back to you with an appropriate response in 2 days.

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      A leading construction company based in Toronto faced challenges in managing its workforce efficiently and accurately.

      The manual and disparate systems for logging hours, tracking jobs, and handling financial records led to inefficiencies, errors, and a lack of real-time insights.

      The company recognized the need for a comprehensive workforce management system and partnered with BrainX to design and develop CORE.



      BrainX undertook the development of the CORE platform, employing a user-centered approach for automating and displaying time logging, job management, financial details, and certifications. We incorporated agile methodology to get real-time client feedback. The BrainX team had collaborative sessions with the CORE team during the discovery phase to understand their existing business processes and ensure an impactful digital transformation with our solution.

      The prototypes were refined and shared with the client using wireframing tools and design systems, ensuring a user-friendly interface. The client formally signed off on the contract, marking the initiation of the development phase with version control systems, continuous integration, and automated testing for optimal code quality and deployment efficiency.



      CORE is a paperless solution built using the MERN stack for efficient team management. Dedicated dashboards for workers, team leaders, and administrators were meticulously developed by BrainX using responsive design principles and ensuring cross-browser compatibility.

      • Time Tracking: The system allowed workers to seamlessly log hours, select jobs, and add descriptions with pause/clock-out features.
      • Team Management Automation: Enabled team leaders to log hours for team members, add new workers to jobs with their names, and streamline team-related processes.
      • Record Details and Editing: Provided a detailed breakdown of logged hours in the worker’s dashboard and allowed them to edit entries.
      • Jobs Overview: Workers can see detailed information about assigned jobs, their work durations, and payout amounts.
      • Unified Dashboard: Developed a centralized dashboard for admins, consolidating critical information on jobs, teams, users, and due amounts.
      • Job Management: Facilitated job creation, editing, and deletion with a job management feature for making job-relevant data accessible to the admin.
      • Certificates Management Section: The admin can assign certificates by selecting names from the dropdown menu and uploading a JPEG, PNG, or PDF format of certificates.
        Advanced Payroll Management: Streamlined payroll processing with features like payment rule configuration, daily logs, and clear dues options.



      The efficient development and successful deployment of a web-responsive platform for CORE set the stage for streamlined operations, and enhanced transparency of the company. It also improved the productivity of their workers and resulted in:

      1- Increased Automation: The introduction of automated time tracking and job management processes reduced manual efforts and errors.

      2- Enhanced User Transparency: Specified dashboards for different user types improved communication and transparency within the workforce.

      3- Precision in Payroll Processing: The streamlined payroll management system ensured accurate and timely payments, minimizing discrepancies.

      4- Adherence to Compliance Standards: The certification management system enhanced tracking and validation of worker certifications, ensuring compliance.

      5- Cost-Efficiency: Reduction in manual errors and efforts led to cost savings, contributing to increased profitability in construction projects.

      6- Future Scalability: Its robust architecture and versatile, user-friendly features make it a scalable solution. The CORE team wants to use it as a product and commercialize it for various industries.

      Tools & Technologies

      • Figma
      • ReactJS
      • MongoDB
      • NodeJS
      • ExpressJS
      • Git
      • Firebase
      • AWS
      • HTML
      • CSS

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