BallrNFT, a client in the digital art industry, approached BrainX Technologies with the opportunity to develop a proprietary NFT marketplace. The client's goal was to create a platform where sellers and buyers could trade NFTs, integrating popular cryptocurrency wallets such as MetaMask and Coinbase. 

The unique aspect of the marketplace was the inclusion of both 2D and 3D design NFTs in a single mint, providing a comprehensive selling and purchasing experience.


BrainX Technologies began the project by thoroughly understanding the client's requirements and expectations for the NFT marketplace. The team assigned a dedicated designer and project manager to collaborate closely with the client and ensure effective communication throughout the development process.

Furthermore, the development team will implement the functionality to upload both 2D and 3D NFTs, aligning with the client's vision of providing a comprehensive range of digital art for sale and purchase.


BrainX Technologies is working on delivering a fully functional NFT marketplace for BallrNFT. The initial phase is focused on designing and launching the website, comprising eight static web pages: Home, Collections, Marketplace, Profile, Wallet, Create, Login/Signup, and More. Adobe XD is being utilized for frontend UI designs, allowing for a visually appealing and user-friendly interface.

The next step will involve integrating popular cryptocurrency wallets, namely MetaMask and Coinbase, to facilitate seamless transactions within the marketplace. The wallet integration requires expertise in Node.js for the backend and React.js for the frontend, enabling secure and reliable wallet connectivity.

By seamlessly integrating MetaMask and Coinbase wallets, the marketplace will allow buyers and sellers to securely transact with their preferred cryptocurrency wallets. The inclusion of both 2D and 3D NFTs broadens the range of digital art available, providing a unique selling point for BallrNFT.



The successful implementation of the BallrNFT project will have several significant impacts. Firstly, the client will obtain a fully functional NFT marketplace that caters to the growing demand for digital art trading. The platform will further empower artists and collectors to showcase and trade their creations in a secure and user-friendly environment.

Here is the client's plan for the future phases of BallrNFT:

  • Buyer/seller chat: Facilitate direct communication and negotiation between participants, fostering a sense of community and smoother transactions.
  • Add friends: Allow users to connect with like-minded individuals, expanding their networks and sharing their unreleased collections without putting it in the open market.
  • Hide NFTs: Grant users control over their collections, allowing them to curate and personalize their marketplace experience.
  • Create Custom NFT Groups: Users can create and name groups of the NFTs to display it on their NFT wallet & Favorites Screen.
  • VR Space (Virtual Showroom): Create an immersive environment for users to visualize and appreciate 3D NFTs, revolutionizing the digital art experience. 

Tools & Technologies

  • Adobe XD
  • Miro
  • ReactJS
  • NodeJS
  • Solidity

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    Kelp, an up and coming fintech startup, recognized the growing need for a user-friendly investment app that empowers individuals to manage their portfolios autonomously while offering self-custody for enhanced financial freedom.

    Team Kelp sought the expertise of BrainX Technologies to leverage blockchain technology and develop a cutting-edge solution that could revolutionize the investment landscape.



    BrainX Technologies embarked on a comprehensive collaboration with Kelp to design and implement an innovative investment app that would harness the potential of blockchain and smart contracts.

    The team at BrainX meticulously analyzed Kelp's requirements, taking into account their unique approach to investing. Kelp’s key focus areas included algorithmic signaling, disciplined strategies, circuit breakers, machine learning integration, and continuous backtesting.



    To bring Kelp's vision to life, BrainX Technologies employed a range of technologies and frameworks. The development process revolved around creating a robust and secure ecosystem that facilitated seamless investment management.

    The following components were instrumental in the successful execution of the project:

    1- Smart Contract Development
    BrainX leveraged their expertise in solidity to create the foundational building blocks of Kelp's investment platform. Smart contracts were implemented to ensure transparent and tamper-proof execution of investment transactions.

    2- Tokenization
    BrainX facilitated the tokenization process, enabling Kelp to issue their own cryptocurrency tokens. This allowed users to invest in the app's ecosystem, contributing to its growth and sustainability while providing added value to token holders.

    3- Developing Crowdsale Contract
    To support Kelp's funding needs and enable a streamlined investment mechanism, BrainX developed a crowdsale contract. This contract empowered Kelp to privately conduct token sales to interested investors, providing them with an opportunity to participate in the platform's growth from the early stages.

    To achieve the vision of a robust and user-friendly investment app for Kelp, BrainX Technologies employed Solidity, for developing smart contracts on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), NodeJS and ReactJS.



    The collaboration between BrainX Technologies and Kelp resulted in the successful development and deployment of a blockchain-powered investment app that revolutionized the way individuals manage their portfolios. The impact of the provided solution can be summarized as follows:

    • Empowered Autonomy
      Kelp's investment app empowered everyday users to autonomously manage their investment portfolios.
    • Enhanced Financial Opportunities
      Through the app's integration with hedge fund algorithms and pre-built strategies, users gained access to a wide range of investment opportunities.
    • Decentralized Self-Custody
      Kelp's commitment to decentralization aligned perfectly with BrainX's expertise in blockchain technology. The app's self-custody feature ensured that users had full control over their assets, promoting true financial freedom and eliminating the need for intermediaries.
      Building upon the success of the initial collaboration, BrainX Technologies and Kelp have outlined the following future plans:
    • Vesting Contract
      BrainX will be developing a vesting contract that facilitates the fair distribution of tokens among organizations, developers, and other stakeholders. Such a contract will promote a balanced token distribution strategy, ensuring long-term sustainability for Kelp's ecosystem.
    • Single Asset Liquidity Pool
      To further enhance the app's functionality and liquidity, BrainX will work on the development of a single asset liquidity pool. It will enable users to easily trade and exchange their assets within the Kelp ecosystem, fostering a dynamic and vibrant investment community.
    • Bridging BSC to Ethereum
      With BrainX Technologies help, Kelp intends to bridge Binance Smart Chain to the Ethereum network in the future. It will provide users with an additional option when it comes to managing their assets and investments.

    Tools & Technologies

    • ReactJS
    • NodeJS
    • Solidity
    • Mongo DB
    • ExpressJS

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    • Our team will contact you to get details on the questions asked, meanwhile, we might ask you to sign an NDA to protect our collective privacy.
    • The team will get back to you with an appropriate response in 2 days.

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      Unifying farmers and buyers is a crucial challenge in the agricultural sector. Small-scale farmers often lack access to fair market prices and efficient distribution channels, while buyers struggle to find reliable, high-quality organic product sellers.

      To address this issue, the client approached BrainX Technologies. The iinputs team identified a big market gap in the agriculture sector & contacted BrainX to build a national tendering marketplace for connecting farmers directly with potential buyers, empowering both parties and disrupting the traditional agricultural supply chain.



      BrainX Technologies adopted the Agile methodology while proceeding with a collaborative approach. The initial step involved meetings to gather client needs and to build a backlog. After collecting the requirements, the team worked closely to define the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and set project milestones. The third step involved creating a high-level technical design and architecture plan for the platforms.

      After everything was finalized, the BrainX team subsequently presented everything to the client for rigorous User Acceptance Testing (UAT). Post-validation, the DevOps team seamlessly deployed the iinputs website, ensuring a successful implementation.



      Considering the client’s requirements for a national tendering marketplace to connect buyers with suppliers, we created iinputs with a supporting backend. BrainX designed and developed a web and mobile-responsive platform with intuitive interfaces.

      Our solution tailored a dynamic National Tendering Marketplace for streamlined trade, addressing key challenges and providing comprehensive portals for buyers and suppliers. We:

      • Engineered an intuitive interface that enables buyers to create tenders effortlessly.
      • Designed a homepage to help track the user counts, transactions, supplier profiles, ratings, and feedback.
      • Streamlined access to draft, active, and completed tenders with clear visibility of bids and quotes.
      • Integrated a centralized messaging system for smooth discussions and timely updates.
      • Introduced a robust notification system along with comprehensive user profiles for enhanced user experience.
      • Built a Dispute resolution feature to resolve disagreements and prevent potential disruptions in ongoing transactions.
      • Added search, filter, and detailed view options for tender listing based on region and status.



      Iinputs significantly turned the tides for the farmers' community and started generating revenue in the first year of its launch.

      Farmers experienced an average increase in their income due to fairer pricing and reduced commission fees.

      While buyers gained access to a broader range of fresh, locally sourced products. The platform generated new jobs in rural communities, supporting local economies.

      Tools & Technologies

      • Figma
      • ReactJS
      • MongoDB
      • ExpressJS
      • Git
      • HTML
      • CSS
      • AWS

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      A leading construction company based in Toronto faced challenges in managing its workforce efficiently and accurately.

      The manual and disparate systems for logging hours, tracking jobs, and handling financial records led to inefficiencies, errors, and a lack of real-time insights.

      The company recognized the need for a comprehensive workforce management system and partnered with BrainX to design and develop CORE.



      BrainX undertook the development of the CORE platform, employing a user-centered approach for automating and displaying time logging, job management, financial details, and certifications. We incorporated agile methodology to get real-time client feedback. The BrainX team had collaborative sessions with the CORE team during the discovery phase to understand their existing business processes and ensure an impactful digital transformation with our solution.

      The prototypes were refined and shared with the client using wireframing tools and design systems, ensuring a user-friendly interface. The client formally signed off on the contract, marking the initiation of the development phase with version control systems, continuous integration, and automated testing for optimal code quality and deployment efficiency.



      CORE is a paperless solution built using the MERN stack for efficient team management. Dedicated dashboards for workers, team leaders, and administrators were meticulously developed by BrainX using responsive design principles and ensuring cross-browser compatibility.

      • Time Tracking: The system allowed workers to seamlessly log hours, select jobs, and add descriptions with pause/clock-out features.
      • Team Management Automation: Enabled team leaders to log hours for team members, add new workers to jobs with their names, and streamline team-related processes.
      • Record Details and Editing: Provided a detailed breakdown of logged hours in the worker’s dashboard and allowed them to edit entries.
      • Jobs Overview: Workers can see detailed information about assigned jobs, their work durations, and payout amounts.
      • Unified Dashboard: Developed a centralized dashboard for admins, consolidating critical information on jobs, teams, users, and due amounts.
      • Job Management: Facilitated job creation, editing, and deletion with a job management feature for making job-relevant data accessible to the admin.
      • Certificates Management Section: The admin can assign certificates by selecting names from the dropdown menu and uploading a JPEG, PNG, or PDF format of certificates.
        Advanced Payroll Management: Streamlined payroll processing with features like payment rule configuration, daily logs, and clear dues options.



      The efficient development and successful deployment of a web-responsive platform for CORE set the stage for streamlined operations, and enhanced transparency of the company. It also improved the productivity of their workers and resulted in:

      1- Increased Automation: The introduction of automated time tracking and job management processes reduced manual efforts and errors.

      2- Enhanced User Transparency: Specified dashboards for different user types improved communication and transparency within the workforce.

      3- Precision in Payroll Processing: The streamlined payroll management system ensured accurate and timely payments, minimizing discrepancies.

      4- Adherence to Compliance Standards: The certification management system enhanced tracking and validation of worker certifications, ensuring compliance.

      5- Cost-Efficiency: Reduction in manual errors and efforts led to cost savings, contributing to increased profitability in construction projects.

      6- Future Scalability: Its robust architecture and versatile, user-friendly features make it a scalable solution. The CORE team wants to use it as a product and commercialize it for various industries.

      Tools & Technologies

      • Figma
      • ReactJS
      • MongoDB
      • NodeJS
      • ExpressJS
      • Git
      • Firebase
      • AWS
      • HTML
      • CSS

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